Numbers Show CBD Demand Rose in 2017

As marijuana continues its move into mainstream culture, a somewhat ironic CBD demand has emerged. Many people now want the cannabis product that won’t get you high.

Known as CBD (for cannabidiols), it is the non-psychoactive ingredient in the marijuana plant.

Healthy CBD Demand

While they won’t get you high, CBD products deliver medical benefits. Advocates say CBD helps them manage inflammation, anxiety, joint pain, menstrual cramps, insomnia, nausea and depression.

In reaction to the CBD demand, the California marijuana delivery company Eaze has quadrupled the number of CBD products available for 2018. The company said many of its customers want CBD products because of “anti-inflammatory and healing properties.”

How CBD Works

In an interview with Ouartzy, Yu Fung-Lin, an associate professor of physiology and membrane biology at the University of California-Davis, said while it does not cause the high feeling, CBD does affect the brain.

Specifically, it interacts with proteins in the brain and the nervous system that regulate cell activity. This alteration of brain signals is what leads to the relief felt for those experiencing pain or nausea, for example.

Fung-Lin also said CBD may lead to healthier bones and strong immune systems. It can also act as both an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Certainly, it’s catching on. Eaze, in its 2017 State of Cannabis report, said CBD products have become the rising star in the cannabis industry.

The Eaze Report Findings

Eaze puts together its annual report based on anonymous data from 350,000 cannabis consumers as well as responses from 15,000 surveyed customers.

The rise of CBD products is one of the focuses of the 2017 report. The marijuana delivery company reporting seeing a rise in CBD product orderings across all age groups. Consumers voiced an interesting in trying a new way of getting relief that is natural and non-pharmaceutical.

Other findings from the Eaze report:

  • The most popular holidays for ordering cannabis are 420 Day, Green Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving), President’s Day weekend, Valentine’s Day and Halloween.
  • Women are spending more on diverse cannabis products. The Eaze report said the number of female customers increased from 25 percent to 35 percent of the overall customer base. Women mostly focused on health and wellness needs.
  • Baby Boomers and Generation Xers both increased their marijuana purchases more than any other generation in 2017. Sales to Baby Boomers went up 19 percent, while sales to Gen Xers went up 13 percent.
  • By generation, the favorite items were: Baby Boomers (topicals), Generation Xers (edibles) and Millennials (vaporizers)
  • People are replacing sleeping pills with marijuana. About 57 percent of Eaze customers reported using sleeping pills and 95 percent of those said they are using marijuana to reduce the use of pills.

Eaze expects an increase in both CBD and other marijuana products this year as more people, especially those in California, begin to work marijuana into their social life and “marijuana goes mainstream.”

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