Faster Than Pizza: Marijuana Home Delivery Explodes in California

In hindsight, it’s now clear pizza companies really were onto something decades ago.

What started with the ability to pick up a phone and have a pepperoni with cheese delivered to your door – an amazing innovation at the time – has expanded over the years. People clearly want stuff brought to them. All kinds of stuff.

These days, that includes locally produced food, craft beer, handyman services and whatever you just ordered from Amazon. And now, you can add marijuana to the list.

That is, if you live in California. But considering most national trends tend to travel from the West to the East, it’s just a matter of time for the rest of the United States.

Marijuana Home Delivery In 20 Minutes

California is one of a few states that allows home delivery of marijuana (Oregon and Alaska are the other two, and Nevada will likely join them). But the Golden State is ahead of everyone else, with several companies emerging to compete in the marijuana delivery business.

The clear winner, so far, and best-known is Eaze, a San Francisco-based company that delivers to 100 cities in California. Eaze partners with dispensaries to deliver their product to customers. They promise delivery in less than 20 minutes. Yes, that’s faster than Dominos.

Eaze expanded into San Jose in April 2017 after the city council there reversed its earlier decision to ban medical marijuana delivery.

Competitors include Buddha Blossoms – which serves the Concord, Pleasant Hill and Martinez areas east of the Bay Area – and Kind Courier, which serves San Francisco.  Los Angeles has yet to allow delivery services.

Other Factors

Eaze calls itself the biggest technology platform in the marijuana industry, using data to drive their market research. CEO Jim Patterson said the company has flourished despite a stigma against marijuana companies in the early years.

As one of the first businesses “though the door” on the marijuana delivery business, the company struggled to find office space, hire workers and find bankers that would work with them. Now, the business has started to flourish.

CEO Jim Patterson told Entrepreneur part of the reason is the changing demographics on cannabis users. Once thought of as lazy stoners, that image is changing thanks to people learning the reality of who uses marijuana.

Patterson said “education is key” to changing these misperceptions, adding that company workers “leverage our data insights to educate regulators, policymakers, and consumers.”

Part of their findings is that sales of low-dosage products is on the rise, as well as increased use among women. Patterson said those trends, along with the reversal of the decision in San Jose, show what can happen when people “fully understand marijuana use.”

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