Marijuana Business Seminars: What You’ll Likely Want to Know

Marijuana. It’s a new, relatively legal and rapidly growing industry.  Seminars like these are popping up left and right for those interested in learning more about marijuana as a trade.

Some seminars are state specific and address issues like water usage and licensing requirements. Some attack the industry from 10,000 feet above, addressing the macro and teaching pot business fundamentals like customer relationship management and point of sale systems.

Marijuana Business Seminars: What You Need to Know

How to Become a Medical Marijuana Millionaire in Ten Easy Steps, an illustrated slideshow that the Miami New Times circulated about two years ago, is funny if you’ve got time to check it out. (Spoiler alter! It will NOT teach you how to become a “Marijuana Millionaire”).

All kidding aside, a quick google search will result in listings galore of cannabusiness trainings.  But students beware!  The educational circuit for weed is even less consistently regulated than the marijuana industry itself.

Things to Consider

If you are thinking of doling out any amount of hard earned cash to learn more about the legalized marijuana trade, here are 5 things you’ll likely want covered in any coursework or marijuana business seminars:

  1. Understanding your states laws and where to go for accurate information and legislative updates.
  2. What kind of business entity will you need to operate legally?
  3. What kind of licensing will you need to operate a dispensary, grow, or delivery service in your area?  What are the differences and which is the best fit for you?
  4. How to complete and properly submit marijuana business licensing and seller’s permit applications and paperwork.
  5. How will you find and connect with patients to deliver your service or product?  How will you maintain their records and what kind of information will you be required to collect from them?

Experienced marijuana business owners: we want to hear from you! How did you get started? Be honest (okay, be as honest as you can be).  Let us know what resources were valuable to you.  Where did you go for help when getting started?  Please share your story and let us feature you.

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