Innovative Product Helps People Find the Right Dose of Marijuana To Treat Pain, Discomfort

One of the issues in using marijuana to treat conditions such as chronic pain or muscle soreness is knowing the right dose that works most effectively for you.

Patients have been using medical marijuana for years to treat pain, stiffness, inflammation and soreness, often as a substitute for prescription medication. That’s because the dangers of prescription medication have become widely known. Many prefer using the more natural medication of marijuana.

What’s The Right Dose?

Finding the right dose can prove problematic. The cannabis industry, which continues to find better ways to serve customers as it grows, has evolved to better serve customers in this critical area.

One particularly inventive idea recently came from Papa & Barkley.

About Papa & Barkley

Papa & Barkley is a cannabis company known by many because of quality products and because it has a unique story. Based in California, the company started because the founder wanted to find a way to ease his father’s immobilizing back pain.

The combination of cannabis-infused products and therapy helped get “Papa” out of hospice. The company is named for Papa and his pit bull, Barkley.

Today, the company makes products sold at dispensaries throughout California. The company’s first product, Releaf Balm, uses non-psychoactive cannabinoids (CBD) in a lotion that is applied directly to the skin in areas where customers are experiencing pain and discomfort. The salve calms and relaxes the body.

Papa & Barkley now offers an assortment of oils, tinctures, soaks and capsules. But their latest invention is not as much about what people use for medication, but how they use it.

The Right Ratio Pack

Many people are moving into the use of marijuana for pain management. Study after study has found that people experience relief when using marijuana to address issues such as chronic pain, muscle soreness, inflammation and insomnia.

With so many people trying cannabis for the first time, it’s understandable that many may not know how to find the proper dose for using cannabis-infused products, such as tinctures. Part of the issue is finding the right balance between CBD and THC, the latter being the chemical in marijuana that is psychoactive.

In some studies, researchers have found that small amounts of THC can prove helpful in pain management when combined with CBD. But finding the right CBD/THC balance is difficult for those with little to no experience in using cannabis.

The Right Ratio Pack from Papa & Barkley solves that problem. Each pack features a CBD-rich tincture and THC-rich tincture. Using a dosing guide, users can find the right mix to give them the whole-body relief they are seeking.

The right combination can depend on many factors, many of them connected to the body type of the user. Even the time of day might play a role, as some prefer different mixtures between daytime and nighttime use.

The packs make it far easier for people to find the right balance and manage their pain. The Right Ratio Pack offers flexibility as no two people are the same.

The Right Ratio Pack allows customers to “customize your dose depending on the time of day or your situation,” according to Papa & Barkley. “The pack features two distinct tinctures that work together to deliver your right ratio.

“Whether you’re confronting chronic pain, tense muscles, recovering from an injury or irritated by insomnia, relief exists. A combination of these two formulas will work best, and this is how you find it.”

It’s another step by a leading marijuana company to meet customer needs. As the legal cannabis industry grows and more people turn to marijuana for natural pain relief, expect more innovation and products from companies such as Papa & Barkley.

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