Ascent by DaVinci
Sleek, stylish and discreet.
Our top-of-the-line vaporizer, the Ascent features a 100% all-glass pathway, glass-coated ceramic bowl, a 3-hour battery life and our staple precision temperature control. All of these features offer absolute flavor and incomparable purity every time you vape, this makes the Ascent the perfect choice for new users and advanced vaping connoisseurs.
The Ascent comes in a variety of designs including Stealth, Carbon Fiber, Burl Wood, Croc Skin and Black Skulls. You can also personalize your vaporizer with custom designs. It is a full temperature control device for compound activation within the cannabis plant. Enables the ability to set timed vaporizing sessions.
Sleek, stylish and discreet.
Our top-of-the-line vaporizer, the Ascent features a 100% all-glass pathway, glass-coated ceramic bowl, a 3-hour battery life and our staple precision temperature control. All of these features offer absolute flavor and incomparable purity every time you vape, this makes the Ascent the perfect choice for new users and advanced vaping connoisseurs.
The Ascent comes in a variety of designs including Stealth, Carbon Fiber, Burl Wood, Croc Skin and Black Skulls. You can also personalize your vaporizer with custom designs. It is a full temperature control device for compound activation within the cannabis plant. Enables the ability to set timed vaporizing sessions.